- Kills one Australian every 12 minutes.
- Affects one in six Australian or4.2 million.
- Most people 65 years or over are currently living with long term CVD.
- CVD was the main cause for more than 5,95,800 hospitalisations in 2018/19.
- Nearly 30% of all Cardiac deaths in 2018 – are largely preventable. (1).
- Lower socioeconomic groups, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and those living in remote areas had the highest rate of hospitalisation and death resulting from CVD in Australia.
- One-third of adult Australians aged 18 years and over had measured high cholesterol.
- Smoking is the single most important cause of ill health and death in Australia.
- Close to two in every three (63%) adult Australian aged 18 years and over were overweight or obese, with 28% obese and 36% overweight.
- Two in every three (65%) of adult Australians aged over 15 do very little or no exercise at all.